Saturday, April 9, 2016


The massive truck you all are riding in (except for MICKEY) rumbles over the dusty-brown earth South toward the river in the East. A solid concrete bridge spans the river. It's wide enough for three trucks. Beyond the bridge and river is a set of low-lying hills which lead up into snow-capped mountains touching the clouds. And indeed you can see a crude road across the river leading from the bridge and into the hills. Up in the mountains you can see flickering of light, the setting sun reflecting off metal surfaces. Looking around you in the chaos, you see you are in a valley of some kind ringed by these mountains, and sharp brown cliffs of rock. But the bridge suggests some kind of travel by infrastructure. The bridge seems to lead to the compound most of you are from. The river appears to skirt just alongside the compound, another means of transport, trade, or simple power.

CELLULOSA is at the wheel attempting to guide the rig and all of you. MORN-START is sitting shotgun firing his handgun at the pursuing vehicles. Three vehicles, one a trike, with a driver and another, wielding some sort of long gun. The main vehicle of pursuit resembles a dune buggy with massive wheels, the size of the chassis. Mounted on the back is a large gun with an operator standing behind it. The other vehicle is a motorcycle and is on the Eastern side of the party's truck, out of sight from MORN-START, but CELLULOSA can see it in the side-view mirror.

MOSES is working on the wires, trying to hail his comrades, before attempting to unhook the trailer from the forward cab!

Giving chase to the Thrice Church vehicles pursuing the party are three hawkmen and their apemen cargo who wield flamethrowers. In the trailer, upon which sits The Temple of The Mother, Telem and Fortunata fight with TEDDY, the pure human, and WINTER BLACKFORD. The strange Twinses, holding a newborn baby of The Mother whom they are oddly obsessed with, are combating WINTER as he has harmed The Mother and the babies within her massive gelatin body.

MICKEY, thrown out of the Temple by Telem, faces down a hawkman and apeman.

Further behind is the immense battle raging between the Thrice Church and hawkmen/apemen. Flames arise from many portions of the church caravan as the swarm of hawkmen is unrelenting. Black smoke rises into the sky creating a thick forest of forest of smoke trees.




    MICKEY - Separated from the group, holding the voidblade, possessing the screwdriver, and the red ring.

    MORN-START - In the forward cab of the truck, with a 9mm handgun.

    MOSES - On the forward cab, attempting to detach the trailer.

    WINTER - On the trailer, in The Temple of The Mother, attempting escape from The Twinses, Telem, and Fortunata.

    MAULMUIRE - In the forward cab.

    TEDDY - On the trailer, in The Temple of the Mother, fighting Fortunata.


    MICKEY is down to 7 HP.
    TEDDY is down to 42 HP.
    WINTER is down to 16 HP.


    [LEVEL UP]

    Roll your hit die and add the result to your Max HP.

    I'm not sure if your Saving Throws change yet.

    We should check the rules PDF to see what else happens. Your powers may change, too.

    1. [TECh} NO WAIT. 1d6 for Mutant Human.

      I roll 5!

    2. [WINTER]

      [TECH] For the "Experience Level Bonuses" pg 14
      I roll 47 which I think gives me a +1 ability point and I roll a 3 which i think sends that ability point over to my Constitution which was 7, now 8


    [OOC] - copied from the previous page so it doesn't get lost. You asked me to make a tech roll under my WIS OR INT to see if Cellulosa could drive the cab.

    Can you update the accounting to reflect my HP and XP?

    The flickering lights, the strobing's all too much for Cellulosa. She'd never admit she was overwhelmed, not even to herself, so instead she tells herself that her plant goddess eyes were meant to emit light, not absorb it. She ignores the information the vehicle is trying to impart to her.

    Cellulosa's fingers curled around the wheel and the shift like vines, she puts her petals to the metal and just drives, man.

    [TECH] Rolled a 19, that's not going to be under anything...

    1. [@CELLULOSA]

      Wrapped around the instruments meant to pilot the rig, you feel the mighty machine's ungainly weight shifting to the right. In your inexperience as a driver of such a vehicle you jerk the wheel to the right so now the great bulk on wheels weight violently veers to the left. The whole hauler begins a dangerous undulation back and forth as you loose your grip on control of its surging speed and momentum.

    2. [@CELLULOSA]

      It's your turn to respond the the change in the situation.

    3. [@CELLULOSA]

      HP is still at 6.
      EXP is up to 1500.

    4. [CELLULOSA]

      [IC] Turn into a skid! That's what Cellulosa had always heard. At least, that was what those giant stalks she'd met who'd claimed to be descendants of truckers in the old world had told her.

      With that kind of advice, it made her wonder if all the stories they'd told her about the truck stop whore-goddesses had been true...

      There was no time for that. Turning right didn't work, so clearly turning left must! Cellulosa yanks the wheel accordingly.



      Dex is 7, STR is 4, so either way should be able to make it.

    5. [@CELLULOSA]

      You wrench control of the massive vehicle from out of chaos and into your viney grip! The vehicle is now under your authority, though it feels tenuous at best.

      Where would you like to point the truck?

  4. [MOSES]

    [TECH] Looks like Mutant Humans get a 1d6 hit die (page 14 of Mutant Future pdf). I roll a 4, taking my HP up to 73.

    Also on page 14, there's an Experience Level Bonuses table. I roll an 81 and a 4, giving me a +1 bonus to Intelligence. Moses is getting smarter! A good thing, that's his worst stat.

    I gave the rulebook a quick skim, I didn't see any more character advancement rules in there. But don't let that stop us...

    [IC] Moses clambers to the greasy ball joint that links the cab and the Mother-hauler. He bangs out another "RALLY TO ME!" code on the hauler's back wall on his way there. He wishes that Mickey would crawl back to him with that amazing void-blade, that would cut right through this joint!
    [OoC] I'm guessing Moses is unaware that Mickey has been tossed out of the hauler? I'm also guessing that Mickey's void blade went with him out of the truck, right? It's not rolling around on the floor of the hauler?

    1. [@MOSES]

      Yes, MOSES is unaware of what has happened to MICKEY. The voidblade left the Temple in MICKEY's clutches when he was thrown from the structure.

      Cool. I looked at the Level Progression section as well. Looks pretty simple enough and your calculations are accurate. We should update your character sheet to reflect your increased INT.

  5. [Mickey]

    [IC] Mickey watches his friends, his former comrades in arms, barrel away in the hauler, understanding he'd just broken the only rule his elite commando unit ever had, "NEVER SPLIT THE PARTY." The two headed rat felt treasonous, traitorous, for allowing himself to be thrown and left for dead. He quietly vowed that he'd find his way back to them, or die trying.

    Mickey looks at the Hawkman and the Apeman and points at the truck with his void sword. "Which one of you guys is in charge of the other?"

    [Tech] I roll a 1 for my hit die, bringing my HP to a whopping 8 of 58! For the experience level bonus, I rolled an 11, which gives me +1 attack per round. Does that mean I can attack twice?

    1. [@MICKEY]

      The hawkman, hovering, the apeman comfortably in the grip of its talons, stares at you, takes a deep breath lets out a horrific scream, then arcs its head back to bellow at the sky. It seems the scream goes on with no end, but then abruptly ceases and the hawkman returns to staring at you.

      The apeman, his voice muffled underneath his full helmet says, "Death to all members of the Thrice! Your worship of the Silver Cloud is impure! It is perverse! We will dry up your bag of liquid, your false prophet, with flame! We will purify the land from you with fire!"

      And he lifts his weapon toward you.

      Your separation from your friends and teammates was beyond your control. Though you don't remember your past and you are all vastly different from each other, you feel as though you have been separated from your brethren and the only people who know you.

      It's your move to respond to the hawkman/apeman duo.

    2. [@MICKEY]

      Yes, that sounds correct. You now have two attacks per round. Pretty dope.

    3. [MICKEY]

      [IC] Mickey sighs. He lights up his void blade, grits his teeth, and begins the grim work of fighting for his life yet again, attacking the apeman.

      [Tech] Mickey rolls a 3 and an 8 to hit.

    4. [@MICKEY]

      The voidblade leaps into its horrifying existence, the presence of danger and its melding with your mind calling it forth.

      It sings its song of anti-reality death through the air, but misses the apeman who is hurriedly moved out of range by the hawkman gripping his shoulders.

      The apeman lets loose a tongue of flame from his weapon. But he mistimes it with the sways of the hawkman above and harmlessly shoots into the dirt in front of you.

      Your move.

    5. [MICKEY]

      [IC] Mickey turns around and sees the rig is friends are on shudder and swerve — this is his last chance to get back to his friends. He tackles the Apeman and attempts to knock him from the clutches of the Hawkman.

    6. [@MICKEY]

      You lunge at the apeman, the voidblade is stuck in your palm. As you speedily cut the distance between you and the apeman you see his eyes bulge in surprise in his helmet.

      Roll a 1d20 to see if you hit.
      Then roll a 1d20 to test your STR against the apeman's STR in a head-to-head roll.

    7. [MICKEY]

      Mickey rolls a 12 to hit.
      And then rolls a 4 for strength.

    8. [@MICKEY]

      You reach the apeman, wrap him up with your arms (still carrying the voidblade in one hand). You are unable to knock him from the clutches of the hawkman but you stop him from using his weapon.

      However, the hawkman aims his spear at you from above. He hits you with the spear dealing one point of damage!

      You're down to 6 HP.

    9. [@MICKEY]

      It's now your turn.

    10. [Mickey]

      [OOC] Well, clearly my plan to use the hawkman to fly me to the truck isn't going to work. Are there any vehicles around? Anything I can run to in order to get away?

      [IC] Mickey eyes the horizon, warily, looking for a way out. A vehicle. "Listen. I'm not a Thrice Member," Mickey says, showing the apeman his special forces tattoo. "I'm a hostage. A captured soldier. I don't want to fight you. I don't want to use this weapon. It does horrible things to me. And it'll do horrible things to you. So just ... fucking fly me to my friends, okay?"

    11. [@MICKEY]

      The hawkman and apeman cock their heads in unison. It seems as though they weren't expecting this information from you. They seem open to the idea of conversation, in spite of the fact your mutual physical aggression.

      Roll a 1d20 under your Charisma for success in opening a dialogue.

    12. [Mickey]

      [Tech] Mickey rolls a 20.

    13. [@MICKEY]

      The hawkman and apeman do not want to hear your words. Not only that, they do not want you to ever say words again. The could not be more offended by your existence in their world.

      The apeman unleashes another lance of fire from his flamethrower. The flames engulf your body. The hawkman strikes at your flaming body mass with his spear. His blade pierces your chest quickly, stabs your heart, and is withdrawn. You fall to the ground, the pain of fire at first intense, then slowly numb, as you descend into darkness and death's embrace.

      The flamethrower dealt 4 points of damage and the spear thrust dealt 2 points taking your HP down to 0. We need to roll you a new character!

    14. [Mickey]

      [OOC] Wamp, waaaah. Brutal ending. Let's do this again!

    15. [OoC] CRUEL LIGHT. BRUTAL STEEL. You were too sweet and beautiful a creature for this jagged wasteland, Mickey. Rest in peace! We shall remember you.


    The huge rig swerves violently from side to side verging on out of control. Your balance is tested.

    Telem falls to the floor of The Temple. Fortunata trips over her feet and falls out the door of The Temple and onto the rushing ground where she is crushed under the swerving back wheels of the rig's trailer section. Telem lets out a deafening scream of anguish. He holds himself in the door frame looking out toward the back where Fortunata's mangled body is rapidly disappearing into the distance. Felix and Steven lose their balance and fall. They drop their newborn "baby". But Rudy stays upright with his brother Harlowe.

    Roll a 1d20 under your DEX for success.

    1. [WINTER]

      [OOC] Wait, that's good right!? My dex is 12
      Assuming it is, Winter intends to ninja barrel roll past the Thrice Church members out the door.

    2. [@WINTER]

      You are totally unaffected by hulk of metal and fuel swerving beneath your feet. As you move forward you discover the creature in front of you to be an apparition. You pass right through it. Telem is holding himself in the door frame, his head arched out, looking to his fallen comrade and lover, Fortunata. His back is to you and he is completely distracted.


      With the dexterity of a pole dancer and the kinetic energy of a falling refrigerator Winter Blackford continues his ape-man somersault across the floor of the cab, aiming directly at the exit.


      Winters heads grin as they focus the heft of his freight train mass on crippling the Priests legs.

      As Winter whips under the central core of Talem, through his legs, and out the exit he grabs the entrances foot hold with one massive ape-man arm. Winter simultaneously stabs the glass shard directly up into the taint area of the shaved Priests nether region.

      Pity those who live here because a deadly ball of chaos has come-a-knocking on this door!

    4. [@WINTER]

      In order to pull this off you've got to succeed at a series of rolls. Related, if you want to use a different dice roller (see below), or analog dice, feel free.

      To slip between Telem's tree-trunk legs, test your DEX. Roll a 1d20 under your DEX for success. You'll get an advantage for success because you've got the jump on Telem.
      To stab Telem in his taint, roll a 1d20 to hit. The penalty of the called shot versus the bonus of the fact you've got surprise offset here.

      This is totally fucking awesome.


      [TECH] I roll 5 on 1st d20, dex is 12 so I think that's goodish!?

      Then on second d20 I roll 14, but I bet his taint is the size of Texas!

    6. [@WINTER]

      Indeed! You slip deftly between the towering trunks of Telem's two legs, then jam your shard into his nether regions at the legs' joining.

      Roll a 1d6 for damage!




      [TECH] BUMP

    9. [@WINTER]

      Telem unleashes an unearthly howl. His blade and globe hands instinctively move to his bleeding groin, though his hands are instruments of destruction and not of healing. He doesn't injure himself, but he comes close.

      Due to the sensitive nature of the area in question. Telem loses a turn, and it is your turn now.

    10. [@WINTER]

      Part of you is outside the door now (either your lower or upper half, depending on how you slid beneath Telem), as you are situated beneath Telem who is standing in the door frame.

  7. [MOSES]

    [TECH] The stumpy-fingered fishman rolls a 10, and his DEX is 8. Hoo boy.

    1. [@MOSES]

      You fall, belly first, onto the oily ball joint. It pivots violently under you as the truck careens from side to side. You barely get one of your fins out of the way from being wedge in the hinge as you try to find a safe grip!

      Your move.

  8. [Morn-Start]
    [OoC] can I see the hawkman or whats happening with Mickey? Whats happening with the church members with the gun cars?

    1. [@MORN-START]

      You saw MICKEY fall to the earth and disappear into the cloud of dust from all the vehicles. You hope he survived but fear the worst.

      The gun cars have prepared themselves.


    The two vehicles furthest behind catch up to the end of the trailer only to be struck by the tail whip of the trailer when CELLULOSA briefly lost control of the vehicle. One brakes heavily and spins away. The other, a motorcycle, has it's nose catch and flip end over end with its rider, exploding on the Western side of the hauler.

    The gun car on the Eastern side of the heavy truck hasn't gained any ground on your thunderous vehicle. It swerves out of the way as the truck and trailer briefly veer into their path. The gunman pivots his weapon and fires into the back wheels of the trailer. A colossal flame erupts from the weapon as it spits hot lead into the heavy rubber tires and axle, shredding all the parts.

    The hauler begins to slow down, dragging it's back end. Tremendous strain is put on the ball joint upon which MOSES is perched. It feels as though it might pop off, beneath him.

    1. [MOSES]
      [set to Track 12 of the Voyag3r album above: "Final Transfer-Ora Mortale"]

      Squatting above the ball joint, Moses screams one last time into the howling wind for his friends to return to him. With his feet clamped onto the cab's connector, he grips the hauler's connector on the other side of the joint with both hands.

      His friends in the hauler must join him soon, and he desperately hopes that they do. He knows they stand little chance against their fearsome Thrice enemies in the hauler, not to mention the two violent hordes pursuing them. The only hope for the 501st Stompers is to lighten their load and escape.

      But Moses gives up all hope for his mutant children that he put inside the Mother. He says goodbye to them inside his mind. The wasteland is harsh and they must find their own way, just as their father did. But Moses is surprised and confused by the strange feeling of precious moisture welling up from his eyes.

      The piranha-man tightens his core, flexes every muscle in his body, and pulls up on the hauler's connector in a massive deadlift, attempting to throw off the weight of the dragging hauler.

    2. [@MOSES]

      The ball joint is amply greased but you are able to secure a good grip on the rim. The strain engages every muscle fiber, ligament, tendon, and bone tensile in your body. Your eyes, clenched shut, see stars exploding.

      Roll a 1d20 under your STR. The lower the roll the more likely for success. So, a result of 1 would mean total success.

    3. [MOSES]
      [TECH] Moses rolls a 13, just under his strength of 14.

    4. [@MOSES]

      Shockingly, you're able to lift the joint off the ball, but it doesn't come free. The trailer and the front cab are still attached.

      It's your move.

    5. [MOSES]

      [IC] The weight is unbelievable. Moses drops the joint sloppily, hoping that it slips off the ball joint.

      Moses yells at Morn-Start, "Can I get some service over here?? Help me with this joint, Morn-Start!" He must be out of bullets by now, thinks Moses.

    6. [MOSES]

      [IC] Moses looks around—are there any remaining hoses or cables to tear out? Or did the sloppy drop of the joint do the trick?

    7. [@MOSES]

      You've torn out all the hoses and anything connecting the truck to the trailer, but the ball joint. That greasy monolithic hulk of metal on metal stares at you as if it can see your naked soul. It is the only thing affixing the lead cab of the rig to the trailer and temple structure.

  10. [Morn Start]

    [IC] Takes aim once more fires two shots at the gun cars gas tank. "I was programmed to stock shelves and greet consumers!"

    techroll 2 and 10-amazing digital dice we got here:)

    1. [@MORN-START]

      Your shots again go wide. The jostling of the heavy hauler proves too much of a hindrance to your aim.

      It's your move.

  11. [@WHOLE PARTY]


    1) Here are some options for some alternative dice roller apps for the iPhone (I'm sure there are the same or similar apps for Android phones as well)

    Dice Bag by Jeff LaMarche

    The Crawler's Companion by Jon Marr

    Dice Ex Machina by Toby Coulstock

    Dice & Dragons - RPG Dice Roller by Micah Sawyer

    2) We have a NEW PARTY MEMBER and PLAYER CHARACTER: GEKKO, for Eric Gillin.

    GEKKO is an albino, one-foot tall mutant human. The way he'll be integrated in the story is he is the baby that was pulled from The Mother and is in the hands of The Twinses.

    1. [MOSES]

      [OoC] Welcome, Gekko! May you be nuzzled in the hairy breasts of Winter Blackford, before I smash your nursery all across the wasteland.

    [ooc] just got caught up. Saw that the last thing I was asked was where to point the vehicle. What are my options? Who is still chasing us?

    I wanted to dump the trailer but I don't know Gekko seems to awesome to leave behind. And might be my baby! [ooc]

    1. [@CELLULOSA]

      You are still driving the big rig. However, since the last set of tires have been blown out, the speed of the large truck has diminished significantly. MOSES is attempting to free the front cab of the rig from the trailer, as the pressure on the joint is severe.

      In front of you, to the South, you can see the compound, where your comrades emerged. There is a bridge to your right, the West, crossing a river, which leads to a set of low hills, in which you see the sun glinting on something metallic far in the distance. To your left, is a flat plane of nothingness. Behind you is one vehicle with a mounted machine gun, a driver and gun operator. There is also two hawkmen carrying apemen in pursuit.

    2. [CELLULOSA]
      If there were two things Cellulosa hated, it was turning back and nothingness. With that in mind, she attempts to turn to the right, towards the bridge and the gleaming metal in the distance.

      If she's successful, perhaps someone could destroy the bridge behind them and eliminate their vehicular pursuer.

      Rolled a 3 for whatever skill would be applicable.

    3. [@CELLULOSA]

      The steering of the wheel is surprisingly easy now that you feel you have control of the enormous rig. Your vines twist around the hard plastic steering wheel and pull it toward the bridge. Even though the rig is hauling a trailer with blown-out tires, the steering of it is rather easy. There must be some sort of engine within the dash helping to steer the behemoth. Your speed is not optimal, and your pursuers are easily keeping pace with you now. You point the nose of the truck toward the bridge and it surges forward.

  13. [Morn-Start]
    [OoC] How many shells do I have left in this gun?

    [IC] Morn-Start watches the activity through the cabs windows for danger as I'm looking out at road rushing under the wheels as Cellulosa drives us onward. " Bzzrpppt blrrrrp zerp We are running on empty, Running blind,We got to fly, fly like the wind. "

    1. [@MORN-START]

      You pop the clip from the handgun and see you've spent about a third of its contents. Judging by the size of the magazine and bullets you surmise you've got about ten shots left.

  14. [@GEKKO]

    The world is new to you but also familiar. You wake for the first time, but you have knowledge of things. You hate the light from the door and prefer the shadows of the room you are in. You are being cradled, lovingly, in the arms of man. Another man is attached to the man. They appear to be the same. You feel indifferent toward them.

    By the door of the bright light there are other men in battle. The one on the floor, beneath the big man, just stabbed the big man in the place where the big man's legs meet.

    To your left is a large vat where your Mother sits, agitated.

    What would you like to do?

    1. GEKKO

      [IC] Upon closer inspection, the tiny white mutant isn't a baby at all. It's a man, the size of a toy a child would drag around the house. The tiny man, drained of color, looks around and senses chaos. He stares at the Twinses, opens his eyes and an impossibly bright white light flashes across the cab.

    2. [@GEKKO]

      The light blasts the entire interior of the temple. Intermittent indiscernible shadows are the only thing that's clear to The Twinses. The giant mass that is The Mother freezes. Everyone is blinded, except for GEKKO.

      Roll a 1d4 to see how many rounds the blindness lasts for.

    3. [@GEKKO]

      The Twinses are properly blinded. The shock of the light causes Steven to drop you to the floor.

      It's your turn.

    4. GEKKO

      [IC] Gekko scurries over to where the trailer meets the truck cab and carefully scrutinizes the hitch, then places his hands on the it, closing his eyes in concentration.

      [OOC] I'm using my eyes and super-touch powers to see if there's a weak point or easy way to release the trailer.

    5. [@GEKKO]

      You scramble out the door of the temple. There is a narrow ledge between the door and the joint.

      To reach the joint you've got to make a DEX check. You have a bonus due to your small size. The ledge is bigger for you.

    6. [GEKKO}

      [Tech] Gekko rolls an 8, not including the bonus.

    7. [@GEKKO]

      With the grace of a pint-size ballerina you deftly balance along the narrow edge the length and distance of the temple trailer and are now confronted with MOSES pondering how to disengage the ball joint.

    8. [@GEKKO]

      The light outside is terrible to your eyes. But hovering over the ball joint between the cab and trailer there is shade. You place your tiny pale hands on the metal junction. Your unique sense of touch tells you the grease lubricating the ball joint would not respond well to water. In the dry climate of the wastes it I functions as it should. But exposure to water would turn it into another substance.

    9. [@GEKKO]

      The yellow urine coats the greasy ball joint. The grease itself begins to foam rapidly and expand. The pressure on the ball joint is astounding. A low sound comes to the fore, almost a whining, which climaxes with a loud metallic crack as the join splits, the pale-yellow foam pushing its way up through the newly-formed random spaces. The pieces of the joint, barley can keep the trailer tethered to the cab. The foam acts as a weird glue, temporarily before relinquishing the fight. The trailer lands on the ground with a THUD and the freed cab zooms forward.

    10. [MOSES]
      [IC] Stunned and delighted, Moses extends his hand to his new tiny friend. "Are you a whizzard?" asks Moses. "And would you mind walking on my back later? I'm really sore from deadlifting that semi truck."

  15. [@WHOLE PARTY]

    The enormous rig carrying you makes a smooth turn right in a Westerly direction onto the concrete slab of a bridge over a swift-moving river of purple water. The river runs right by the compound from which the majority of you are from. The bridge transitions from the dusty plain to the concrete almost without notice. The concrete is immaculately smooth. The bridge is short though, only about 50 meters in length. The truck zooms onto the other side where there is a dusty road leading up in the rolling hills. The sun is setting behind the hills in a dusty mist of clouds and smog. The truck hits a gentle incline of the road, which tails off to the left toward the South and CELLULOSA and MORN-START can see it bends back to the right and out of sight, around a hill.

    There is grass on the hills. It is in patches of gray, tan, black, and a dull green, giving the hills the feel of an cat's varied tons in its coat.

    Behind you your pursuers in the car wait precautiously for for the rig to cross before crossing themselves. They seem to be waiting for the truck to slow so they might take the rig when it stops. The Temple is their religious center and dear to their hearts. You feel as if they would follow you forever if necessary.

    But the Hawkmen, and Apemen they carry, bank in a wide, soaring arc, and head back toward their main battle with the bulk of The Thrice Church's members.

    MORN-START and CELLULOSA are in the front cab, with CELLULOSA driving.

    WINTER, hanging slightly out of the door to the temple, has Telem at a disadvantage.

    GEKKO, the newborn, albino, foot-tall, mutant, is in the arms of one of the sets of The Twinses, awakening to the world for the first time.

    MOSES, is puzzling over the riddle of the ball joint connecting the cab to the trailer temple.

  16. [Morn-Start] Busts two shotsat the car following (tech 7 and 18)
    [OoC] I tried our wizards dice roller one last time and got 1 twice so to be honest i re rolled using roleplaydice roller. Let me know if thats fair.

    1. [@MORN-START]

      One of the bullets finally hits!

      Roll a 1d6 to see what part of the vehicle is struck.

      (Understood about the Dice Roller. No worries on the re-rolls. Try one of those other dice roller apps. I think the Purple Sorcerer one is probably real good and has a ton of different dice options. Or keep a set of dice by the computer!)

  17. [Morn-Start] IC
    "Finally my bullets have found purchase!!!"

  18. [@WHOLE PARTY]

    MOSES and GEKKO have successfully removed the temple trailer from the forward cab of the large rig you guys are riding on. The vehicle with the gun mount immediately stops following seeking to secure The Mother and The Twinses.

    WINTER, you are still with the trailer, though it seems you are on the verge of exiting. What would you like to do?

    The rest of you, the cab is yours, as is freedom from The Thrice Church. In front of you the road stretches around a bend and then into the unknown of the surrounding grass-mottled hillsides.

    1. [OoC] Who is in the cab with me? I think it would be a good idea to turn the wheel over to someone with better tech.

      And does anyone have any healing abilities? I'm not in good shape HP wise

    2. [@CELLULOSA]

      In the cab is you and MORN-START, the convenient store robot with feline features and helpful attitude.

      For healing, you guys could always find a safe spot to rest your weary and wounded bodies.

    3. [WINTER]

      [IC] Winter slams through the priests legs, rams his razor sharp glass shard right up into the priests sweaty choad, grabs the foot plate of the door frame with his massive ape-man forearms, and immediately puts both his heads to work plotting a path of hand grips and foot holds up along the trailer towards the drivers cab.

      [OOC] Winter was making his way towards the cab. not sure how the timing works.

  19. [IC] Mornstart takes the wheel and moves so Cellulosa can slide over and heal. The chrome cat manmachine steers the truck towards the bend to put them out of site.


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